British Values at Harlow College
Our College reflects British values in all that we do. We want all of our students to grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the world. We encourage our students to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our community and the wider world.
We actively promote British values in the following ways:
- All students are encouraged to debate topics of interest, express their views and make a meaningful contribution to the running of the College.
- Students have their voices heard and acted on through our Student Ambassador programme and regular surveys.
- The principle of democracy is explored through our curriculum as well as through events.
Rule of Law
- Our rules and expectations are clear, fair and regularly promoted.
- The Disciplinary and Anti-Bullying policies set out a zero tolerance baseline for any form of aggression, abuse or violence.
Individual Liberty
- Our students are supported to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and our support reinforces the importance of making the right choices.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
- Respect is one of the core values of our College – we encourage our students to respect their own, as well as other cultures and ways of life.
- Staff and students are encouraged to challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
- Through our curriculum we discuss and respect differences between people, such as differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences of family situations.
- We offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum.

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy