Christelle Fariala
Studied First Diploma in Science and BTEC National Diploma in Applied Science
Works for BUPA as an Aseptic Operator
Age: 24
Completed course: 2009
What are you doing now?
I work in a pharmaceutical compound unit making chemo drugs for people being cured at home.
What University did you go to?
I did one year at Bristol University and found the living costs too expensive, so I switched to Brunel University in Uxbridge, London.
What did you study?
BSC in Biomedical Sciences.
What did you do after Uni?
I travelled to the Philippines and worked in a big hospital, with a charity called VSO for 3 months doing research work in tuberculosis. I was a team leader and also arranged events to raise the awareness of TB with info about vaccines. I then went to Uxbridge Hospital and did some work there, then I joined BUPA. I love my work and I always make people smile, I'm always positive and happy at work.
Did the courses you studied at Harlow College prepare you for what you do now?
Yes, I was hoping to do dentistry, but when I applied to do biomedical science everything I studied at Harlow College just came back, all the material provided was really, really helpful.
Have you any advice for others going to University?
If you want to go to another level, go to Uni, be open to the new you! Don't worry what your friends are doing! Don`t limit yourself, be positive!
Did you do much research before going to University?
Yes, I attended the Harlow College Guidance Centre and the staff there helped me a lot. Diana in particular helped me a lot. I couldn`t speak English when I came to College in 2005, I couldn`t say a word in English! Harlow College really prepared me and helped me throughout, applying for University. I am really happy with the service from Harlow College.
When did you realise that this was the area of work you wanted to pursue?
My granddad was a doctor, he said that if you are a doctor or work in a science department you live longer... I have always said since I was 5 years old that I would be a doctor.
What advice would you give to anyone who wants to go into your line of work?
I will tell them, you must know what you really want to do, Science is really hard but if you really want it you can do it! I did not even speak English but I still went for it. I did my English course here at Harlow College on the ESOL course.
What skills are important for a scientist?
Be a hard worker, be focused and be a hard worker. Love what you are doing and be good at research.
Where will you be in 5 years' time?
I am going back to university to study to be a dentist, I have also worked as a dental nurse for the last 6 months. So hopefully in 5 years' time I will be a dentist.