Sector Based Work Academies (SWAPs)
What is a SWAP?
The sector-based work academy programme (SWAP) can support you to create a skilled workforce for your business. Sector-based work academies help prepare those receiving unemployment benefits to apply for jobs in a different area of work. Placements are designed to help meet your immediate and future recruitment needs as well as to recruit a workforce with the right skills to sustain and grow your business.
What does a SWAP look like?
A sector-based work academy can last up to 6 weeks and have 3 main components:
- pre-employment training – matched to the needs of your business sector
- work experience placement – a great opportunity for your business to identify talent and for the individual to cement their knowledge and understanding of the required role
- a guaranteed job interview or help with an employer’s recruitment process
Pre-Employment Training
Typically this consists of 2 week employability skills training combined with English and maths and any specific training content needed for the roles you are recruiting for, for example Food Safety, CSCS card or SIA licence.
Work experience placement
A work experience placement in your business will enable participants to develop their skills and have the opportunity to work in a realistic environment. The length of a SWAP work experience placement is determined at the initial discussion and provides invaluable benefits for both businesses and individuals. The pre-employment training can be combined with the work experience placement if this is the best way to deliver the placement.
Guaranteed job interview
A guaranteed job interview for one of your vacancies will provide participants with valuable interview experience and allow you to select the most appropriate candidate for the job.
How your business could benefit
Your business could benefit from offering SWAP placements for the following reasons:
- It is a flexible programme that can be tailored to meet your recruitment needs
- You can recruit staff with the right training and skills from the outset, developed through fully-funded pre-employment training
- An opportunity to provide work experience placements for potential employees to ensure they are suited to that type of role and your company
- Work experience placements allow developmental opportunities for existing employees, for example by working on their mentoring, supervisory and coaching skills
- It reduces the risks within the overall process of recruiting new employees
- It is an opportunity for positive publicity to show how like-minded businesses are working together to meet their social responsibilities
Case Study – Land Sheriff (Land Sheriff logo)
Land Sheriff are a successful Harlow based security company who we have worked with on SWAPs in the past. They are regularly involved in providing presentations to learners who are studying SIA security courses as part of Sector-based Work Academy Programmes in partnership with DWP JCP and the college.
Land Sheriff’s involvement provides real life opportunities for those on the course, who are able to develop a deeper understanding of working within the security industry which betters prepares them for progression into employment on successful completion of the SWAP.
We have had great success with Land Sheriff SWAPs who have gone on to employ a number of our learners.
Interested in a SWAP with us?
You can arrange a SWAP with your local DWP JCP. However, if you would like to know more generally about SWAPs or how we can work with you please complete the form below to arrange a call with one of our Employer Engagement team.