Free Courses for Jobs
Over 400 courses are available free of charge to eligible adults as part of the government’s Free Courses for Jobs offer. These courses are designed to help you improve your job opportunities. At Harlow College we offer a range of courses equivalent to an advanced technical certificate or diploma or A Levels under this initiative, available as either face to face, blended or online learning.
If you are interested you can also find out more about other learning opportunities and how the government is supporting you to gain Skills for life whatever stage of your career you are at.
Am I eligible?
As part of the Free Courses for Jobs offer, the tuition fees for some courses are paid by the UK Government. You may be eligible for this funding if you:
- are 19 or over and do not already have a level 3 qualification, or
- already have a level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the National Living Wage annually (£18,525 from April 2022), or
- already have a level 3 qualification or higher but are unemployed
If you are not eligible for funding under the Free Courses for Jobs offer an Advanced Learner Loan may be available to help you cover the costs of learning, which you pay back when you are earning over a certain amount.
How do I know if I already have a Level 3 Qualification?
A Level 3 qualification is equivalent to either an advanced technical certificate, diploma or 2 full A levels. If you’re not sure, please speak with our friendly Admissions Team.
How much do the courses cost?
The courses are completely free and paid for by the new National Skills Fund if you meet the eligibility criteria.