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Aspiration: The Russell Team

The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities that are committed to the very best research, outstanding teaching and learning and unrivalled links with business and the public sector. You'll visit Russell Group universities and attend workshops and outreach events, enabling you to recognise the challenging entry requirements but also the fabulous opportunities on offer.


The Russell Team will focus on developing skills that promote deeper academic understanding and learning beyond what is covered in an A Level syllabus, and include stretching and challenging activities designed to develop specific skills needed for Russell Group university courses.

Generally, students who attend these sessions will have achieved at least 5 A* - A grades at GCSE and will be looking to progress to a Russell Group university after A Levels. This group will also be for students who have not met this level of achievement in their GCSEs but who are demonstrating significant ability in their A Levels and have attained excellent predicted A Level grades based on course assessments.