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College opens amazing new nursing facilities


Health and Social Care students at Harlow College will have a unique opportunity to experience real life working practices with the unveiling of a fully equipped hospital ward, therapy room and a recreation of an elderly person’s flat on the college campus.

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College set to Reach for the Sky

Aviation Image 

Harlow College has been selected as one of ten schemes to receive funding from the Government's Reach for the Sky Challenge Fund. The College was the first Further Education College to establish a further education college, Stansted Airport College, at a major UK airport and who have been instrumental in the establishment of the College Aviation Network. 

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Students develop 'Hart' Chatbot, transforming Safeguarding support

Chatbot Club group photo

Photo: Chatbot Club with Japeto CEO Ingrid Folland (middle row, 3rd from left) and College staff from the Games Design course

A cohort of ambitious Games Design students at Harlow College have partnered with Harlow-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) developers Japeto to form the Chatbot Club, with the aim of developing a chatbot based on a brief created by the College’s Safeguarding team.

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Age is no barrier to learning

Ben Walker

49-year-old Ben Walker from Bishops Stortford has embraced a new challenge after facing redundancy from his long-time job in the print industry. Just as the pandemic struck. Ben was working for Rupert Murdoch’s former company News International when he learned of his redundancy and it was shortly after that he decided to try his hand as a carpenter by undertaking an apprenticeship.

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