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English, Maths & ESOL

Good English & Maths skills are essential in your work and daily life

ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language)

ESOL is all about integration and inclusivity. You will have the opportunity to make new friends and will be part of a welcoming and diverse community. It will develop your language and communication skills as well as increase your confidence in speaking, writing and reading English. Your study programme will also include enrolment onto our maths programme which can develop your skills & prepare you for employment or for progressing onto another course at a higher level. You can enrol throughout the year and will be entered for nationally recognised assessments when you are ready. This course is also available at Pre-entry Level.

English GCSE

Did you know that a Level 2 Functional Skills qualification is equivalent to a GCSE? Click here to find out more. Explore our Functional Skills English courses starting in February 2025.

In today's tough job market more and more employers expect candidates to have at least a grade 4 in GCSE English. This course will suit those already working and those still seeking employment. It's a perfect opportunity to brush up on the essential skills required by employers, and gain a qualification in the process.

Maths GCSE

Did you know that a Level 2 Functional Skills qualification is equivalent to a GCSE? Click here to find out more. Explore our Functional Skills Maths courses starting in February 2025. 

A grade 4 in Maths is essential if you are looking for work or looking to progress your career. This is your opportunity to gain this crucial qualification as a part-time learner. This is a perfect opportunity to brush up on the essential skills required by employers and gain a qualification in the process.

Functional Skills Maths

Functional Skills qualifications are designed to support you as you seek to improve your numeracy skills and provide you with the fundamental knowledge required for everyday life. Achieving a maths qualification will increase your confidence and motivation and the skills gained will aid you in the workplace or any further learning.

Functional Skills English

Functional Skills qualifications are designed to support you as you seek to improve your literacy skills and provide you with the fundamental knowledge required for everyday life. Achieving an English qualification will increase your confidence and motivation and the skills gained will aid you in the workplace or any further learning.

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  • Level: Pre-Entry, E1, E2, E3, L1
  • Study Mode: Part-time
  • Start Date: September 2025
  • Start Date:

    The January intake for this course is now full and we will not be taking on any new students until September 2025.

ESOL for Adults - Part-time (English as a Second or Other Language)

ESOL is all about integration and inclusivity. You will have the opportunity to make new friends and will be part of a welcoming and diverse community. It will develop your language and communication skills as well as increase your confidence in speaking, writing and reading English. 

This course is broken down into 3 sections:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening

You can choose to study one, two or all three sections.