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  • Teacher and Assessor Courses

About our Teacher Training Courses

We offer three Teacher Training courses, at Levels 3, 4 and 5, that will prepare you with everything you need to start work in a full teaching/training role as well as achieving a professional qualification.

Teacher Training Courses – Levels Explained

The Level 3 Award is perfect for trainers seeking a recognised qualification and for those interested in teaching in further education. This 15 week course aims to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in the delivery of training sessions to groups. 

The Level 4 Certificate will enable you to learn and apply the practical and theoretical aspects of planning, teaching/training and assessing in Further and Adult Education or the private or public sector. 

The Level 5 Diploma is suitable if you already work as a teacher, trainer or instructor in the private or public sector or Further and Adult Education, and can lead to the achievement of QTLS, (Qualified Teacher Learning & Skills).

About our TAQA Courses

TAQA (Training, Assessment Quality and Assurance) courses are available at Levels 3 and 4, and are ideal for individuals looking to enter roles in vocational assessment and internal quality assurance. They provide the opportunity for learners to develop and improve their practice as well as achieving a professional qualification. 

Each Level offers both Awards and Certificates, depending on the chosen path and includes a mandatory knowledge unit which is delivered online, and then any chosen additional units are assessed practically in the workplace. Each is a qualification in its own right and units can be added to build on the Awards, if required, in the future.

TAQA – Level 3 Courses Explained

Award in Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment. The is a core knowledge only unit and is a starting point for those who wish to know about vocational assessment practice but who are not currently practicing.  

Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment. Building on the above, this (2 unit) Award requires evidence of those practicing in a working environment (i.e. with apprentices).

Award in Assessing Vocationally related Achievement. This (2 unit) Award builds on the knowledge unit by requiring practitioners to evidence assessment in a classroom-based environment. 

Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement

. This (3 unit) Certificate is a combination of the above. The core knowledge unit requires additional evidence of assessment both in the workplace and classroom.

TAQA – Level 4 Courses Explained

Award in Understanding the Principles and Practice of Internally Assuring the Quality of Assessment. The is a core knowledge only unit for those needing to understand IQA but not necessarily practicing. 

Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Process and Practice. This (2 unit) Award builds on the core knowledge unit with the requirement of evidence of a functioning quality system. 

Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment process and Practices

. This (3 unit) Certificate builds on the above, and requires evidence of leading the IQA process at a strategic level within an organisation.
  • Level: 5
  • Study Mode: Part-time
  • Start Date: 04 January 2026
  • Duration: 51 weeks
  • Study Days: Wednesdays
  • Time: 9:30 – 16:30
  • Full Fee: £3660

About the course

This course will prepare you with everything you need to work as a qualified teacher in the post 14 learner sector. You will learn and apply the practical and theoretical aspects of planning, teaching/training and assessing to enable you to teach in Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Adult Community Learning, Privately Owned Training Providers, or Offender Learning. This is a new qualification and is the replacement for the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training.

How much does it cost?


Who is it suitable for?

This course is suitable for you if:

  • You work as a teacher, trainer or instructor in the private or public sector or Further and Adult Education
  • Have access to at least 250 hours of teaching, training or instructing groups over a two year period
  • You have a Level 3 qualification in the subject you want to teach or substantial industry experience
  • You hold a level 2 qualification or equivalent in English and maths.

Awarding Body


Why study?

The course offers weekly online live classes and some face to face sessions in college. We will support you with understanding the key topics and practising the skills you need to be successful in a training and teaching role. In the live classes you will be learning from both teacher input and from fellow students working in the same profession. There are also face to face in class sessions for the completion of assignment work and in class assessments.

Skills you will develop:

  • an appreciation for appropriate behaviour and dress
  • appropriate interpersonal skills
  • communicating with professional colleagues/peers and/or hierarchical seniors
  • mentoring other aspiring employees
  • personal manners
  • understanding work practices and how different roles and departments function within an organisation

Where will this course take me?

QTLS / Certificate in Education / PGCE

Core modules

  • Curriculum development and planning
  • Approaches to Inclusion
  • Embedding maths and English
  • Getting to know your learners and their journeys
  • Safeguarding
  • Contemporary learning theory, neuro science
  • Role and currency of research and application to practice
  • Encouraging learners to be independent and aim high
  • The role of a teacher and what makes a good teacher
  • Working with and learning from other teachers
  • Relational practice
  • Planning and delivering sessions
  • Developing resources to meet learner needs
  • Individual support, including SEND, mental health
  • Teacher expectations of learners including classroom management
  • Face to face and remote delivery
  • Assessment approaches
  • Developmental feedback
  • Lesson planning and adaptations
  • Planning & conducting assessment
  • Using assessment to inform planning
  • Assessment feedback and advice/guidance
  • Application of evidence based methods
  • CPD and professional responsibilities
  • The FE and Skills sector
  • Government policy and regulations
  • Effective digital and on-line pedagogies

How will I be assessed?

Completion of eight units and the creation of a portfolio of evidence which consists of:

  • Ten one hour observations of your teaching
  • Micro-teach sessions
  • Observing a teacher
  • Co-teaching
  • Written work
  • In class assessments
  • Weekly reflective journal

Will I have to provide anything?

You will mainly attend the course from home, with some sessions face to face in college, so a device, such as a tablet or laptop is essential, as well as a quiet area to work and a good Wi-Fi signal.

You will also be required to spend 20 hours of CPD activity whilst based at a different training provider to the one you are teaching at.

I'm interested. What should I do now?

Call 01279 868100 and talk to an Admissions Adviser
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