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About the course

The study of mathematics is intellectually challenging and forms the basis of many scientific disciplines. This course covers a variety of mathematics subjects, the specifics of which depend on the units completed. 

Entry requirements

Average score of 5 or above from 7 GCSEs including Maths, English and Science.

Average score of 7 or above in Maths.

Passing an entrance assessment.

How much does it cost?

Free to those aged 16-18

There is a range of financial support that you may be entitled to, including: Learner Support funds, grants and bursaries and employer support.

You will be expected to pay for stationery and textbooks.

Awarding body


Why study?

Mathematics is an academic and challenging subject and can be applied to other non mathematics based courses such as Physics and Business. A Mathematics qualification is highly valued by both employers and universities. A London School of Economics study showed that Mathematics was the only A level that adds to average earnings (quoted source: Plymouth University 2008). In a UK survey of graduates, women who had studied Mathematical Sciences were in the highest salary group (quoted source: Plymouth University 2008). The majority of Mathematics students progress on to Higher Education. Mathematics can be used in employment in areas such as accounting, research and engineering.

Guest speakers:
Experts from Financial Institutions.

Where will this course take me?

The majority of Mathematics students progress on to Higher Education. Mathematics can be used in employment in areas such as accounting, research and engineering. We have strong industry links and experience of financial markets and the international finance industry.

Possible careers:

  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Physicist
  • Chief Engineer
  • Minister of Finance
  • CEO

Used in all careers.

Most valuable A Level for University Entrance.

11% higher earnings over a lifetime than others.

Necessary course for some university degrees.

Core modules

OT1: Mathematical argument, language and proof 

OT2: Mathematical problem solving

OT3: Mathematical modelling

A: Proof

B: Algebra and functions

C: Coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane

D: Sequences and series

E: Trigonometry

F: Exponentials and logarithms

G: Differentiation

H: Integration

J: Vectors

K: Statistical sampling

L: Data presentation and interpretation

M: Probability

N: Statistical distributions

O: Statistical hypothesis testing

P: Quantities and units in mechanics

Q: Kinematics

R: Forces and Newton’s laws

How will I be assessed?

Paper 1: Pure and Mechanics

Paper 2: Pure and Statistics

Each exam is 80 marks, 1 hour and 30 minutes and 50% of AS

Will I have to provide anything?

Calculator, textbook, notebook.

What should I do now?

Call 01279 868100 and talk to an Admissions Adviser
Ask Us a question about this course


Funding Your Course

If you're aged 19 or over and you want to study A Levels, an Access to Higher Education Diploma, or a Level 3 to 6 Vocational Qualification, you could be eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan.