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Smart Search Courses

    Please note that all courses are subject to a minimum number in order to run

    About the course

    The course is designed to provide you with an introduction to working in the Customer Service industry as well as the basic knowledge, skills and behaviors that are required to successfully gain employment in this sector.

    This short course consists of one mandatory unit, Principles of Customer Service. Learners are required to cover four learning outcomes including:

    • How to deliver good customer service
    • Different communication methods
    • How to provide good customer service in line with organisational procedures
    • How to effectively deal with customer queries, problems and complaints.

    Learning will be a combination of written work, group discussions and practical role plays.

    Assessment and grading

    This unit will be assessed by ongoing observations and a written portfolio of evidence.

    By the end of this course, learners will possess a comprehensive toolkit of essential employability skills, empowering them to confidently pursue and secure meaningful employment within customer service.


    Entry requirements

    Learners must be unemployed and in receipt of benefit or earning under £25,000 per annum

    Must have a National Insurance number

    Must have been a UK resident for the last 3 years or proof of right to education

    How much does it cost?

    Free if you are unemployed and receiving benefit or earning under £25,000 per annum  

    Who is it suitable for?

    Adult learners who aspire to work within a customer service environment.

    Awarding Body


    Where will this course take me?

    Various employers come in to the course to talk about current opportunities at the time of delivery

    Aspirational Job Examples:

    1. Customer Service Assistant
    2. Customer Service Manager

    Core modules

    Principles of Customer Service 

    How will I be assessed?

    Assessment will be carried out through classroom based observations and a portfolio of evidence 

    Will I have to provide anything?


    I'm interested. What should I do now?

    Call 01279 868173 and speak with an advisor, pop into our Bright Futures centre to speak to our team or fill out the expression of interest form below.

    Expression of Interest – Bright Futures

    Thank you for your interest in our Bright Futures courses. Please fill in and submit your details using the form below and our Bright Futures Team will contact you with more information:

    First Name(*)
    Please let us know your name.

    Last Name(*)
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    Date of Birth(*)
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    Mobile Number(*)
    Invalid Input

    Your Location(*)
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    Example: 'Harlow, Essex'

    Are you currently in paid employment?
    Invalid Input

    I am interested in(*)
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