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Functional Skills Maths

About the Course

Functional Skills qualifications are designed to support you as you seek to improve your numeracy skills and provide you with the fundamental knowledge required for everyday life. Achieving a maths qualification will increase your confidence and motivation and the skills gained will aid you in the workplace or any further learning.

Entry Requirements

No experience is required, however, this course is aimed at those who have a good foundation of existing maths skills and are wishing to develop them further.

How much does it cost?

FREE (subject to eligibility criteria)

Awarding Body


Why Study?

Functional Skills involves studying contextualised and relevant scenarios to learn problem solving skills. You will study a range of topics that are designed to help you analyse and interpret information. These include: 

  • Understanding practical problems
  • Identify and obtain necessary information to tackle a problem
  • Apply mathematics in an organised way to find a solution
  • Interpret and communicate solution to practical problems

You will develop and refine problem solving strategies, building the confidence and skills required to tackle unfamiliar challenges.  You will gain mathematical skills that are transferable to everyday contexts and the world of work. 

This qualification is suitable for anyone who wishes to improve on their existing skills or progress their career.

You will attend weekly classes where you will complete activities and exercises to support your learning 

This course provides you with a good foundation to progress onto higher level maths qualification, for example, GCSE. 

The course is fully funded subject to eligibility criteria.

Where will this course take me?

From Level 1 to Level 2 and GCSE

From Level 2 to GCSE

GCSE Maths

How will I be assessed?

You will need to complete an initial assessment diagnostic to identify the appropriate level for you. This is an online multiple-choice assessment that takes around 1 hour per subject. Upon completing your diagnostic, a tutor will review your results and discuss the appropriate course for you to enrol on.

Ongoing feedback will be provided within the classroom lessons both from your tutor and peers. The final assessment is via an exam at the end of the course.

Will I have to provide anything?

All course materials are provided, however, it is advised that you bring a mobile device to class.

I'm interested. What should I do now?

Call 01279 868100 and talk to an Admissions Adviser
Ask Us a question about this course

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